Professional Development Sessions

“I believe that working with school partners is an essential way to increase impact and change to ensure that all schools are equitable, safe and rigorous.”

With our
Professional Development Sessions, leaders will gain:

  • A stronger sense of instructional self-efficacy

  • A clear path to achieving high yet achievable goals

  • A joy for learning and growing in the teaching profession

Perfect for instructional coaches, school principals, and administrators

who value teacher development and coaching but may not know where to start or how to move your leaders from good to great.

If you’re noticing that coaching and lesson planning are inconsistent or you’re trying to further develop your instructional coaches and aren’t quite seeing the results you’d wish, our teacher development sessions were created with you in mind.

Improve your leadership coaching and/or the leadership skills of their school administrative team and grow to become comfortable with giving feedback.

Love to have fun at your job?

Have a ‘student first’ mentality?

Already quite comfortable giving feedback?

Our Fundamental Professional Development Sessions include:

Relationship Building & Stakeholder Connections:

Educators will learn to build long standing relationships with students and families. Teachers will learn a variety of strategies, systems and accountability measures for cultivating strong rapport with stakeholders and students. 


Work Environment: Build Teacher Resiliency

Create a warm work environment, reduce teacher turnover and burnout by equipping teachers with the tools to gain a better understanding of their emotions, learn to cultivate resilience and how to productively use their energy.  


Restorative Practice

Participants  will be able to define "restorative practice" and learn to facilitate restorative repair harm circles that allows students to repair and correct wrongdoings to others.


Teacher Moves 101:

Set your new teachers up for success with foundational classroom management strategies that creates a classroom environment for rigorous learning to occur. Strategies include but are not limited to radar, least invasive redirections, clear and effective directions and the use of a strong teacher voice.


Understanding Standards & Lesson Planning: 

Educators learn and practice creating daily objectives that are standard based, achievable, rigorous, and measurable. Participants will learn to craft effective lesson plans that are student centered and standard aligned.


Instructional Coaching:

Participants will learn use observation, data analysis, and other tools to assess teachers' practice and provide feedback and support to help them improve.



Student Engagement 101:

Learn how to increase student engagement and mastery.

Choose a plan that works for you


A single PD session focusing on a specific topic of your choice from our PD Library.


A package of three PDs of your choice from our PD Library that best align with your needs.

Year-Long Support

A long-term personalized PD plan that is tailored to your specific goals and needs.
