Inspirational Summer Reads for School Leaders : Resonant Leadership: Renewing Yourself and Connecting with Others Through Mindfulness, Hope, and Compassion
Resonant Leadership: Renewing Yourself and Connecting with Others Through Mindfulness, Hope, and Compassion
• A must-read for all overworked school administrators!
• In the face of the relentless demands of work and life, leaders around the world recognized the value of resonant leadership but struggled with how to achieve and maintain resonance.
• This book delves deep into the experiences of those who hold positions of "high power, high stress."
• It also discusses what successful leaders need to do to avoid becoming victims of the Sacrifice Syndrome in a real and heartfelt way.
• In this book, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee offer a guide to overcoming the stress-and-sacrifice cycle many leaders face.